weigh-in vol: 32 — the bee-day edition!

written by: cyn knight

day: 237
happy.birth.day.to.me greetings bloggy peeps!

it’s my birfday
it’s my birfday
it’s my birfday!

yeah, i am that crazy *birthday person*…
sorry, but i think birthday’s should be celebrated & by celebrated i mean a WHOLE day devouted to doing whatcha love around the people you love.
and today my theme is this…

because it is a kickback, worry-free, kickass day of celebrations!
and trust me – i have many reasons to celebrate & will properly give each one their due *w00ts*!
But moving along…

so i did make it to my weigh-in yesterday morning & i won’t even try to build the suspense…

retail therapy time!

i was down!
1.8lbs to be exact!!!!
i am 1.4 lbs away from my goal weight & a healthy bmi for the first time in probably 30 years — no joke!

ya coulda knocked me over with a feather.
i truly was prepped for a gain.
my scale here – which i rarely use – is dead and requires those idiotic watch batteries (why did i not realize this when i bought the sucka?) so i truly had no clue where i was weight wise. and with my less than stellar eating habits & lack of dedication where exercise is concerned – surely i thought i had effed up!
but nope.
and what a fucking phenomenal way to start my birthday weekend!!!
(yeah i know i said a WHOLE day – but for me it will be a WHOLE weekend… heh.)

and my day just went up from there.
i officially finished the workshop @ the DLOT & i have to say that i was actually kinda sad to say goodbye to the other gals there taking the class – especially my employment counselor gisele.
there are those few special people in the world who are just POSITIVE & uplifting & gisele is that & then some. i swear that the powers that be brought me to her @ the most perfect time – when i needed someone like her in my life to pick me up & push me to move on. and i am not just speaking professionally.
gisele is an angel – there just is no other explanation.
and i wrote a lengthy email to her supervisor yesterday letting them know exactly how wonderful she is. amazingly she is only a temp & they would be nuts to let her go!

after my last class we (the girls – my mom, skylar & i) went shopping as i was way overdue for some retail therapy!
my mom gave me a budget & basically told me to pick out what i wanted within the budget & that would be my birthday present(s).
love that.

but do ya know i only bought one thing – which i will get to in a sec.
no word of a lie, i tried on ELEVEN dresses & hated everyone – and that NEVER happens!!!!
if i had been there without money to spend i woulda found ELEVEN THOUSAND dresses i loved.
oh well…
i did get that one thing – JUNIOR SIZE NINE jeans (for $5 on clearance I might add) !!!!!
size 9…
size 9…
i just keep saying it over and over – i have not been in a single digit (yeah i know its kinda the same as a 10 but lemme have my moment) size since elementary school – no really, no exaggeration – grade school!
and they do fit – to be clear.
quite nicely i might add.
it just blows my mind.

and i owe it to jillian michaels.
sorry weight watchers – you are the bomb – but it’s the truth.
when i did weight watchers in 2008 & got down to 168 i was just fitting into a size 13 – so that goes to show you what exercise/strength training does for your body.

speaking of jillian… still going strong on BODY REVOLUTION.
yes, i will be working out today – even on my bee-day & only because i want to take tomorrow off.

i had a job interview yesterday — local restaurant looking for servers.
(not some cheesy place — definite possibility to make GOOD $$$!)
yeah, i know — downgrading to a degree.
i have decided to listen to my inner goddess (thanks sandi!) & she is telling me that the portrait studio is not the right fit for me.
and i do need employment & this would allow me to really pursue the job i want — plus i could still work for weight watchers which i REALLY want to do.
AND it allows me more flexability so i can see my kiddos — which is VERY important to me.
so that is where my job quest lies.
and yes, i did discuss this with gisele & she told me that while technically she cannot tell me to turn down a job as it is her job to get me employed — she thinks i need to listen to my gut & do what i think is best.

well kittens – that is all that is fit to be told.
i have a VERY busy morning ahead of me – got lots to get together to prep for my hotel suite par-tay!
prepare for a bevy of photos in my next post!

peace, l♥ve & margaritas bloggy peeps!

*** can’t get enough of my ass?
Find me on FACEBOOK & TWITTER for even more ass!

20 thoughts on “weigh-in vol: 32 — the bee-day edition!

  1. Woo fuckin’ HOO!!!!!!
    First – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! You only celebrate the day??? I fully believe that the whole week is ALL MINE, lol 😀
    Second- LOVE THE FROG!!!
    Third – I knew you’d be surprised at your weight… I was listening to my inner Goddess when I made that comment on your last post.
    And forth – I think you’re making the best decision for you and the kiddos!!
    Wait! Last… HAPPY BIRTHDAY and CONGRATS!!!

  2. Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!!
    Happy birthday, dear Cyn!!!
    Haaappyyy birrrthhhdaaayyy tooooo youuuuu!!!!
    🙂 And many, many more! 🙂

    I’m so glad for your loss!! And I celebrate you, celebrating you, inclusive of working out with Jillian.
    Size 9 (junior!) jeans = Shut the front door! 🙂 That is one sweet, single number, and quite the birthday present for yourself.
    Following your gut = all sorts of awesome. 🙂
    Enjoy your extra-special day, sweets! 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday!! Sounds like a super week is ahead of you.
    PS. I think you made a wise decision conserning work.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Now that I’m done jumping up and down over your size NINE jeans, congratufuckinlations! To quote you, “You rock balls”!

    I love the frog. Not a single gram of fuck should be given on your celebration of your solar revolution!

    Have a great weekend sweets!

i truly love comments and input -- please share yours because your thoughts effin' ROCK BALLS!